Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Political Boundary, Land Use, & Wetlands

The wetlands layer came fron the Miami-Dade GIS Department. I posted it as a hollow color over the USGS topographic map to highlite the fringe of the uplands.


I select this site to show the releif between the Urban areas and the preserve on the left side of the DEM there is a lake that shows up as a dark spot over the S in South Miami NW. I think that the white line next to it is part of the High Voltage grid that runs along the highway.

Roads, Cities, and Public Lands

I went to the Department of the Interior's web site and found the Stork Nesting Site Shape file. I thought it was interesting, so I posted it as evidence that I went there looking.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Projections Lab

The further south you go the larger the distortion.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I found these layers on the ESRI resource page, and I put them together with ArcGIS.

Monday, February 1, 2010

States of Mexico

Central Mexico

I got an overflow error when I tried to annotate the World_Countries layer. I just typed Mexico on the layout view.

Topographic Relief

I inverted the color ramp in order to see the coastal plain better.

About Me

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I graduated from University of West Florida in 2017 with a 3.0 GPA and 188 credit hours. I have 24 credit hours in Geographic Information Science
